Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Shopping Guide

Baby Things Every Mother Should Have

There is no getting around the fact that pumping breast milk is not the most pleasant of tasks. So, if you intend to nurse your child and will be devoting time to expressing milk for your child, make sure you choose a pump that is strong, efficient, and easy to use while traveling. You’ll be able to move around marking items off your to-do list as your breasts prepare the baby’s next bottle in this manner. Every mother’s hidden weapon is the ability to multitask.

While you would assume that story time is all about reading, for babies, it’s all about grasping at the pages—and typical children’s books are easily shredded when they’re grabbed. Sturdy board books, on the other hand, are virtually impenetrable to babies. Aside from being resilient to stray fingers, many of them are also designed with textured components to promote tactile exploration by your child.

We’ll skip the explanation of why you’d need a high-quality car seat and instead focus on the specifics of what you should look for at Fauve & Co. In fact, you’ll probably spend more time researching your baby’s car seat than you did in your undergraduate thesis—and for good reason, because your baby’s safety and comfort are your top priority right now. As a suggestion, don’t only look at popular car seats; also check to see whether the car seat you’re considering has been recalled recently—and make sure you’re up to date on any newly published safety requirements.

A variety of fun playthings such as teethers, rattles, clutching toys, and other interactive toys are an excellent way to stimulate a baby’s senses and promote healthy development—not to mention keep little ones entertained while you’re attending to other important matters, such as making your second (or third) cup of coffee. However, just because you offer a toy to a baby does not guarantee that it will remain in their possession (in fact, most of the time it seems like their cue to drop it again). To avoid spending the entire day playing catch with your child, get a few toy straps to use to connect objects such as a stroller, car seat, and high chair to your child.

Your body has worked hard to bring your child into this world, and it will require some time and special care to heal afterwards. Moms have been scouring the pharmacy aisles for years, stocking up on essentials such as ice packs, witch hazel pads, and peri rinse bottles, among others. They’re all quite handy after giving birth—but the fact is that most of these items were not designed with new mothers’ postpartum needs in mind. Now that Frida Mom has addressed the problem, it is possible to line your pad with a single witch hazel pad rather than a million slippery circles, and to spritz your peri bottle with your hand above the stream of unclean water rather than underneath it. (Thank you very much.) The brand provides everything you’ll need in a convenient package that’s easy to transport.

Emer Richards
the authorEmer Richards